Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Welcome back to blog land...

After a 5+ month hiatus I had a thought that I felt like sharing. So here it is. I was reading my friend Rachel's status today and it said something about posting your fav line from a movie or maybe it was a line from your fav movie in your status, whichever it was I honestly couldn't think of a single line from a movie. That always happens to me!! I'm put on the spot and my mind goes blank!! Or maybe it's that I've watched too many movies and I can't zero in on a fav one...or not. Nate, my hubby, can seriously remember any line from any movie and then quote it perfectly! it's a great party trick because everyone thinks your so cool cause you can quote some random movie and make everyone laugh. not me, I'm left struggling to remember what movie that even came from. At least since we're married I get to ride on the coattails of his coolness.

I did however remember a few lines from my favorite TV series!! I've seen this series like 6 or 7 times since Nate gave it to me for my birthday 3 years ago. I know that's craziness because it's 3 seasons long, but it's oh so good!!!! I've lent it out to many friends who have joined me on what I now call the "V-Mars train." That's right, “V-Mars" stands for Veronica Mars. This show has it all! Super cute, gets-ya-right-in-the-heart main character (Kristen Bell), espionage, witty humor, cute boys, star-crossed lovers and lines I can actually remember and want to remember!! Oh, and it's one my hubby actually watch completely with me. If a boy likes it, it's gotta be worth it!

So here are two scenes that are some of my most favorite from this show....

Logan: I thought our story was epic you know, you and me.
Veronica: Epic, how?
Logan: Spanning years, continents, lives ruined, bloodshed, epic.
Veronica: Come on! Ruined lives, bloodshed? Do you really think a relationship should be that hard?
Logan: No one writes songs about the ones that come easy.

Not sure if this will actually post a video or just the link but check it out! I mean if you want...or not.

This next clip is way to long to write out but there are some priceless gems in this one that Nate and I still quote to each other on a regular basis. Here's a little preview.....

Veronica: Hey, how's it going?
Logan: oh, this is gonna be good.
Veronica: What?
Logan: You have that "I would rather be making out with a broken bottle" look which if history serves, you're about to say something awkward.
Veronica: This? (points to her face) This is my "I'd rather be spelunking face." It's like you don't know me at all.
Tehehe marshmellows and promises.


Emily said...

I've never seen this show, but now you have me itching to watch it. GREAT. Just what I need in my life--MORE television.

Terra said...

Hmmm...I'll have to watch it. Are you ever coming to Utah again? I miss you!

Jaime Van Hoose Steele said...

Haha! I loved those quotes! I have never seen the show, but I must admit your the first one to make me want to watch it! I have a few guy friends that are all about Veronica and I never wanted to watch it cause they couldn't tell me anything other than she was hot.

Lynn said...

I'm glad to see you posting again! Hope all is going well in the "Great White North" for you & Nathan. I'll be in ABQ in May; will you?? :)

Julie said...

I am glad to see you back to the blogging world. :) I have never seen Veronica Mars. I thought I would check it out and watch it as soon as baby arrives. I seem to have extra time during the night on my hands which would be a perfect time to watch a new series.

Kina and Nathan said...

Julie, you'll love it!