One week, three days in basement: All doors almost completely hung, only the closet door left. No baseboards yet or a kitchen countertop. Might I mention that without a countertop it's really really hard to cook. We've been eating frozen pizzas and scamming off the parental units (thank you so much). We have someone coming over tomorrow to measure for a top from the Home Depot and apparently it takes four weeks to order the countertop in, so if anyone has any good ideas on easy, dishless dinners let me know! Oh, btw, did I mention that Nate washed our dishes in bathtub...totally gross and seemingly unsanitary! I couldn't even go in the bathroom while he was doing it, but no countertop means no kitchen sink...ick. Well, here are some pictures of our kitchen so far. I think it looks nice and it will look even better with a top on it!!!Our niece Rylee. She is such a good little helper! She was right there with me while I put together the cabinets and once we finished a few she said, "It's fits Rylee!" She got in and then told me to get the camera! I guess she knew it would be a cute picture!
Going back to the college days. We haven't bought a couch yet so for the first week all we had to sit on was our camping chairs. Nate's dad told us we had to take a picture of it to show our kids one day otherwise they wouldn't believe it! Now we have a futon in there until we find a couch we like and want to buy.